
AI-Learn is an open-source, AI-powered platform designed to revolutionize the way educators create skills-based curriculums. By eliminating the need for middlemen, AI-Learn puts cutting-edge tools directly into the hands of educators, empowering them to design, deploy, evaluate, and refine tailored curriculums with ease. The platform also faciliates collaboration and knowledge-sharing among educators, researchers, and the global educational community, fostering innovation in the learning landscape.


Fig. 1 AI-Learn Workflow#

The centerpiece of AI-Learn is AI-Author, a versatile design workbench that streamlines the curriculum creation process. With AI-Author, educators can harness AI-Learn’s Large Language Models (LLMs) to automatically generate learning modules or full curriculums based on simple prompts. The platform allows for seamless editing, deployment, assessment, improvement, and sharing of Aligned Learning Activities (ALAs), fostering a dynamic and effective educational ecosystem.


We believe that every citizen should have access to affordable, high-quality education. Our mission is to revolutinize the landscape of skills-based training by significantly reducing curriculum development costs by a factor of 10, while also enhancing the educational outcomes for all learners, particularly those from historically marginalized communities, with a minimum of 0.5 effect size improvement.


Fig. 2 AI-Learn Cost-Value Equation#

Open Source#

AI-Learn code is being developed as open source and will be released under an MIT Open Source license.